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Oct 8, 2008

Solusi Contact Service Pada NOKIA 5200 & 5300

Posted by Unknown 09:43, under | No comments

Punya masalah Contact Service pada Nokia 5200/5300?
coba solusi dibawah ini.

Yang dibutuhkan flasher box JAF
Cara:Pake SX4 trus write PM atau erase flash file dengan menggunakan erase file trus flash pake versi terbaru kalkulasi RPL trus centang sx4 dan write PM tanpa blok 308

General Informations regarding CID, CDA, COLOR, GDFS etc.

Posted by Unknown 09:36, under | No comments

General Informations regarding CID, CDA, COLOR, GDFS etc.

CID = This "number" defines the version of SE's protection present in the phone.New CIDs are deployed from time to time, for the sole reason of preventing them from beeing unlocked/flashed/tampered with by non-SE service tools. Current CIDs in use by SE are 29/36/37/49. SE-based LG/Sharp phones use the same system (but different versions). The OTP (One Time Programmable memory) and EROM of a phone might be protected by different CIDs, usually the case in newer K600s/K608s.

CDA = This "number" defines which variant of a specific firmware a phone is supposed to have.It lets among others SEUS (Sony Ericsson Update Service) know which language-pack/branding/bandlocks a phone is to be flashed with. A generic (unbranded) K750 for use in Scandinavia will be CDA102337/12, whilst a Telenor-branded K750 will be CDA102338/62. Both will be flashed with the same languages/dictionaries, but the latter will be flashed with Telenor-branded firmware.

BLUE/BROWN/RED:This "color" defines what kind of phone we are dealing with.BLUE phones has been assembled at the factory, but never been programmed with software/GDFS/IMEI (remember kids: the IMEI is stored in the OTP (One Time Programmable memory))BROWN phones are "developer phones", for testing. Less restrictions are present, as these are used for "debugging/beta" purposes. As of CID36, a phone has to be converted to BROWN to unlock it.RED phones are your typical retail ones.

GDFS:This is the phones "stash", where all settings and calibration data is stored (this also goes for the firmwares IMEI-resource as well as the SIMlocks). Similar to other brands use of NVRAM (Non-Viotile Random Access Memory).

IMEI = International Mobile Equipment Identity.A 15-digit number which includes information on the origin, model, and serial number of the device. The model and origin comprise the initial 8-digit portion of the IMEI, known as the "Type Allocation Code/TAC". The remainder of the IMEI is manufacturer-defined, with a "Luhn check digit" at the end (which is never transmitted). The "Luhn check digit" is calculated from the rest of the IMEI.
It should be noted that in SE-based phones, the IMEI is stored in two places, the OTP (One Time Programmable memory) and GDFS. The GDFS IMEI is normally read from the OTP, but this can be circumvented by SETool function to "change" the IMEI. This patches the firmware into allowing different OTP/GDFS IMEIs. It is the GDFS IMEI that is reported to the network, so changing this will "de-bar" blocked phones. SEUS is not fooled by this, on the other hand, and it should also be noted that doing this is illegal in most countries.

EMMA = Service software/solution by SE themselves. Protected by the EMMA smartcard to prevent non-licensed usage. Current version is EMMA3, though EMMA2 is still alive (but kinda useless on newer phones). The EMMA smartcard contains an algorithm that allows EMMA to communicate directly to/with the phones CID, so performing operations the way they were intended. The smartcard and its algorithm has not been cracked. Current EMMA access levels exists:Service Update - Can't unlock phones.Service Update Pro - Can't unlock phones.Network Operator - Can't unlock phones (but sure as hell can lock them ).Service Center Std - Can't unlock phones.Service Center Rc - Can unlock phones, as they have a special version of the smartcard with a CSCA key.Research & Development - Can unlock phones, as they have a special version of the smartcard with a CSCA key.

DB2000, DB2010, DB2020,db2012 = SEMC (Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications) hardware platforms. It's something similar to chipset in PC.DB2000 (another name is Marita) is a GSM+3G(UMTS) capable platform, SE K600/K608/V600/Z800/W900, Sharp 802sh, 902sh, 903sh and LG 3G phones are based on it.DB2010/2012 (Marita compact) is GSM-only, non-3G, platform. Most not very old and modern SE phones like K300,K500,K700,K750,S700,W300,W550,W800,Z520,Z530 are based on this chipset.DB2020 is the newest product of SEMC. K800, K790, K610, Z710 etc, Sharp 904sh feature this most secure (from SE's point of view) platform.

Restore files for Cruiser

Posted by Unknown 02:24, under | No comments

CruiserFWRestore_K320_v1.00_installer.rar 3.9 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_K550_v1.00_installer.rar 16.2 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_K610_v1.00_installer.rar 16.3 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_K618V630_v1.00_installer.rar 5.3 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_K790_v1.00_installer.rar 13.6 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_K800_v1.00_installer.rar 22.8 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_K810_v1.00_installer.rar 13.0 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_v1.10_installer.exe 23.8 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_W200_v1.00_installer.rar 4.9 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_W610_v1.00_installer.rar 9.8 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_W710_v1.00_installer.rar 6.5 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_W830_v1.00_installer.rar 2.7 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_W850_v1.00_installer.rar 14.3 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_W880_v1.00_installer.rar 13.7 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_W888_v1.00_installer.rar 1.4 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_Z610_v1.00_installer.rar 12.4 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_Z710_v1.00_installer.rar 5.9 MB 2008-Jan

Download Disini

Ultimate Unlocker FAQ

Posted by Unknown 02:20, under | No comments

Dear all,

I'll try to explain the most common mistakes and give a detailed description what to do.

First of all, there are two different applications:

Cruiser Suite SE Ultimate Unlocker (sometimes referred as "SE Ultimate Unlocker")
this application is used by users who own and use the Cruiser+ dongle

it can be found on Download area, in the section:
Downloads > Software_GSM > CruiserSuite > Cruiser_SeUltimateUnlocker > SeUltimateUnlocker_v1.01-installer.rar

Ultimate Unlocker

Users who are used to use the D-Client and D-unlocker software, can use this application

it can be found on Download area, in the section:
Downloads > Software_GSM > UltimateUnlocker > UltimateUnlocker_v1.01-installer.rar

The Errors

there are (or were) these main issues:

  • Wrong server port (correct is 9001)

    symptoms: Error - "Cannot connect to server"

    solution: correct the port number to 9001 in the settings tab and click 'Save'
    (in the version 1.01 has been the default port corrected to 9001, but once you have run v1.00, this must be corrected manually)
  • Usage of wrong application (Cruiser+ dongle owner uses Ultimate Unlocker and vice versa)

    "Server error, Try again in a few minutes"
    "Username / card-id not registered"
    "You are not authorized to use this application"

    install & use the correct application (Ultimate Unlocker or Cruiser Suite SE Ultimate Unlocker)
  • Ultimate Unlocker v1.00 bug - it was not possible to use the application without a Cruiser+ dongle inserted

    use Ultimate Unlocker v1.01

Cruiser Team

author: admin

How to connect phones with Ultimate Unlocker

Posted by Unknown 01:49, under | No comments

Hello all,

this article helps with connecting the phones with Ultimate Unlocker. The solution is based on your phone platform:

DB3100, DB3150, DB3200, DB3210, DB3350:

  • Only DCU-60 and DCU-65 interfaces are supported. Press and hold keys '2' and '5', then connect the DCU-6x cable.

DB2020 (except W880):
  • When using a DCU-6x cable, press and hold keys '2' and '5', then connect the cable.
  • When using a Fighter/UC-10/UC-20 cable (including clones), double-click the cable item in Ultimate Unlocker, then connect the cable to phone.

DB2020 (W880 only):
  • When using a DCU-6x cable, press and hold keys '2' and '*', then connect the cable.
  • When using a Fighter/UC-10/UC-20 cable (including clones), double-click the cable item in Ultimate Unlocker, then connect the cable to phone.

  • Only Fighter/UC-10/UC-20 cables (including their clones) are supported. Double-click the cable item in Ultimate Unlocker, then connect the cable to phone.

For other platforms, this list will be updated soon.

Thanks to Lead for this article.
author: admin

Memulai Usaha service ponsel

Posted by Unknown 01:07, under | No comments


Iseng nih gak tau mau nulis apa.... so saya mau sharing nih sedikit tips buat memulai usaha service ponsel :D singkat aja yah.

Perlengkapan Service Hardware
-Solder station Rp 180.000
-Solder Uap Rp 800.000
-Obeng & Pinset Rp 100.000
-Microscope(Optional) Rp 800.000
-Plat BGA Rp 70.000
-Timah,kabel jumper etc Rp 100.000
Sub total Rp 2.050.000

Perlengkapan Service Software
-Komputer P4 3.0 Rp 3.000.000
-UFS Micro + HWK Rp 1.500.000
-JAF Rp 1.650.000
-Cruiser Box + UC20 Rp 1.700.000
Sub Total Rp 7.850.000

Total Rp 9.900.000

Budget diatas belum termasuk biaya oprasional sehari hari dan biaya sewa tempat (Kalo nyewa seperti saya :D)

kalo selama ini saya jalani usaha servis ponsel masih masuk lah dengan modal tersebut diatas,yang penting jangan sekali kali banting harga!! soalnya lambat laun dampaknya pasti kerasa ama kita sendiri! asal tau aja kalo saya pribadi cost yang paling besar dalam servis ponsel adalah biaya riset nya!!


resiko paling besar adalah bikin hp orang matot! (mati total) jadi resiko ini sangat perlu di pertimbangkan sebelum anda menerima servisan dari konsumen.
biasanya tehnisi paling suka kalo masuk hp yang masuk dalam keadaan MATOT! soalnya resikonya kecil ;)

sebelum saya akhiri tulisan ini,ada satu nasehat nih :) usahakan dalam menjalankan usaha servis ponsel anda harus berpengang teguh pada yang namanya KEJUJURAN! menurut pengalaman saya Kejujuran adalah salah satu kunci sukses untuk memulai usaha apapun!


.!! Ultimate Unlockers v2.00 released - Now supports Full Repair/Unlock of PDAs !!.

Posted by Unknown 00:52, under | No comments


Cruiser team membuat terobosan baru dengan mengeluarkan Ultimate Unlockers v2.00
Mulai sekarang para pengguna box cruiser udah gak perlu lagi yang namanya testpoint! buat memperbaiki kerusakan erom,gdfs,scr damage,unlock dll. cuma butuh 1 menit buat tukang servis he..he..he.. langsung cair deh jadi duit!
Mau tipe apa aja (
A2, DB2020 & DB2012 and PDA DB2000/DB2001 bahkan cid yang paling tinggi pun udh bisa diservisssssssss :D) tapi........
sayangnya untuk menikmati service revosioner dari cruiser team ini gak murah :( kita diharuskan membeli supreme credit (LOG) dari cruiser,log nya gak murah! denger2 di www. dijual sekitar 220rb/log! so buat service ponsel SE yang seri2 murah kudu pikir2 dulu buat menikmati service ini.

Cruiser SE Ultimate Unclocker

Posted by Unknown 00:48, under | No comments

Hello all!

We have just released a new version of our most wanted products - Ultimate Unlockers 2.00. Version v2.00 offers full direct unlock and relock of all existing A2, DB2020 and DB2012 Sony Ericsson mobile phones but also all existing PDA DB2000/DB2001 phones.
  • Short unlock time - typically 2 unlocks per minute
  • Instant unlock - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • No modem drivers installation required anymore

  • New revolutionary security bypass technique
  • Non-TP full security zone repair
  • Non-TP full EROM/SEMCBOOT repair
  • Unlocking via codes of all existing A2, DB2020 & DB2012 and PDA DB2000/DB2001 phones even for the latest CIDs
  • Ultimate Unlocker is the only software that can recalculate damaged STATIC_CRC in A2 phones

Addidtional features:
  • CID change (downgrade/upgrade)
  • supports USB DCU-60 and original Fighter/UC10/UC20 boxes + many their clones

Download the D-Ultimate Unlocker or Cruiser Suite SE Ultimate Unlocker from our Download section or these rapidshare links:


PDA DB2000/DB2001 Full Unlock / Complete SecZone repair support added
• Consumption of Supreme credits for full unlock of SE PDA DB2001 is the same as for A2 phones. PDA DB2000 consumption is 1/2 of A2 consumption.
• GUI update - phone list sorted, settings preserved after restart
• DB3150 loaders updated

• fixed W880 EROM
• recovery for DB3150 unknown color
• fixed a subset of GDFS startup failures (DB2020)
• other minor updates

• recovery from failed certificate write (DB2020)
• added support for DB2020 flash CID 80

• Temporary workaround for occasional DB3150 unlock issue
• Minor GUI fixes

• Initial release
• Supported platforms: DB2012, DB2020, DB3150
• Features: Unlock, Lock to network, Show codes, CID change, EROM repair
• Supports Serial and USB interfaces

According to many our customers' requests, we have also decided to rename Ultimate Unlockers applications as follows:

D-Ultimate Unlocker = is ultimate unlocker application which doesn't require Cruiser+ (-07) smartcard (or dongle). No card is needed. Just supreme credits account and 1 cable.
CruiserSuite SE Ultimate Unlocker = this ultimate unlocker requires Cruiser Suite smartcard and allows the owner to have much better consumption of Supreme credits required for performing the Full Unlocks or repairs than non-card D-Ultimate Unlocker.

For more info about our Ultimate Unlockers or other products and prices, please visit our official site


Just to be sure...

D-Ultimate Unlocker
- is succesor of the D-Unlocker, it uses D-Unlocker account (username & password)

CruiserSuite SE Ultimate Unlocker
- is successor of the SE Full Unlocker, it require Cruiser Plus -07 dongle and SE Full Unlocker supreme logs (dongle & password)
- if you have or you will buy Cruiser Supreme logs account with at least 1 supreme log - you'll have free unlock until 7.10.2008


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