Recent Posts

Oct 31, 2008

Internet Download Manager 5.15 + ptch KEYGEN

Posted by Unknown 01:45, under | No comments

What's new in version 5.15 (October 28, 2008):
- Added IDM Download Panel for Firefox and other Mozilla based browsers that appears on top of a web-player when IDM detects a multimedia request from the web-player. IDM download panel is used to download and save audio and video files that are played by the web player. It can be used to download flash videos from sites like YouTube, MySpaceTV, Google Videos, etc.
- Made a workaround for a problem with downloading attachments from different yahoo servers
- Enhanced processing of downloads for different types of servers
- Also this version includes all latest bug fixes

Download Software
Download Keygen

Signature Maker v2.0

Posted by Unknown 01:39, under | No comments


Signature Maker v2.0 - Forum Signature Generating Software.

Create a Professional Looking Signature in Minutes.
Highly Customizable. Includes more than 93 Cool Fonts to fit your
unique style and 87 Extra Pre-made Themed Backgrounds

*To install the new fonts all you need to do is copy and paste the files to:


*Use the Import feature to use the 87 extra pre-made themed backgrounds.

This is not Windows Vista compatible

Oct 30, 2008

Kaspersky internet security (2009) Keys (22nd oct)

Posted by Unknown 23:23, under | No comments

* Protects from viruses, Trojans and worms

* Blocks spyware and adware

* Scans files in real time (on access) and on demand

* Scans email messages (regardless of email client)

* Scans Internet traffic (regardless of browser)

* Protects instant messengers (ICQ, MSN)

* Provides proactive protection from unknown threats

* Scans Java and Visual Basic scripts

Other Features:

Extended Protection

Preventive Protection

Advanced Protection & Recovery

Data & Identity Theft Protection

Content Filtering



Oct 29, 2008

TOP 3 IP HIDERS!! (Anonymous Browsing!)

Posted by Unknown 05:36, under | No comments

Terbitkan Entri

Hide IP Platinum is the software you are looking for! Keeping your privacy is simple and easy: the only thing you need to do is open Hide IP Platinum.

Hide IP Platinum will find the proxy server available to you and set it as your proxy server automatically. There is nothing need you to concern. Hide IP Platinum have done everything for you!

Deposite File

IP Hider masks the real IP of a user, allowing him to browse all kind of pages without ever worrying that the ISPs or any other marketing tool is monitoring your surfing habits or spammers are attacking your computer. The simplest way to do this is to have traffic redirected through anonymous proxies. A proxy server is a kind of buffer between your computer and the Internet resources you are accessing. The data you request come to the proxy first, and only then it transmits the data to you. As a result, the websites see the IP address of the proxy server instead of your own IP address. This tool has a comprehensive proxy list, containing proxies from various countries so that you can choose one from a specific one.

The solution uses anonymous proxies routing all your Internet traffic through them. You can:
# browse anonymously, check mails, participate in newsgroups using proxies form different countries at your choice, having the identity well hidden,
# interact with websites anonymously: using proxies that allow you to post messages, game, cast votes, post on forum, use IP – based trials

IP Hider provides a good online privacy protection by cleaning all online traces that may harm or use inadvertently information on your computer:
# Clear Internet History
# Clear Typed URL
# Clear Temporary Internet Files
# Clear Cookies
# Clear Auto Complete Forms History
# Clear Auto complete Password History
# Clear Internet Favorites

IP Hider also protects computer from the action of invasive codes:
# Blocks ActiveX - ActiveX controls add interest to sites through multimedia but the controls can also harbor malicious code such as viruses. Most sites will function properly with ActiveX controls disabled.
# Blocks JavaScript - This code may be used in harmful way such as to information on your


ProxyShell Hide IP is a professional and powerful hide IP software. Our unique algorithm effectively manages and uses multiple proxies to hide your IP address, provides you faster and more reliable anonymous surfing.
ProxyShell Hide IP uses our own proxies and many public proxies to hide your IP. Our unique algorithm effectively uses multiple proxies to handle your surfing requests simultaneously, offers faster speed, much better proxy errors tolerance and stability. ProxyShell Hide IP is totally automatic and easy-to-use, works with all major browsers.

Hide IP address to make you surf anonymously
ProxyShell Hide IP can automatically update anonymous proxy list from server, check validity and anonymity of proxies, and intelligently use proxies for anonymous surfing. With ProxyShell Hide IP, you can hide IP address, surf the web without anyone knowing who you are, hide your own information and reading interests.
Send anonymous emails, post on forums without displaying your own IP, bypass restrictions if your IP address is blocked

ProxyShell Hide IP could be used with web based mail services to send anonymous email, or post on forums without displaying your real IP.
ProxyShell Hide IP could also bypass the restrictions if your IP address is blocked by some owners of Internet resources.

Totally automatic and easy-to-use, work with all major browsers
ProxyShell Hide IP is powerful and smart, yet the software is still simple and easy-to-use. ProxyShell Hide IP works with all major browsers, and could automatically configure IE and Firefox to work with this software. You don't need to configure browser settings yourself, you don't need to "test", "choose" or "change" proxies manually, ProxyShell Hide IP can do all these dirty work for you. Just launch your browser and begin anonymous surfing!

Unique algorithm to effectively use public proxy servers for surfing
ProxyShell Hide IP uses unique algorithm to manage and use public proxy servers. It can choose proper proxies to handle your requests, detect proxy errors and change proxies if necessary. ProxyShell Hide IP could use multiple public proxies simultaneously to accelerate your surfing, and optimize speed of multiple proxies. ProxyShell Hide IP release the power of using public proxy servers for surfing!

Use multiple proxies simultaneously to handle surfing requests
ProxyShell Hide IP not just use ONE working proxy in the proxy list, but use multiple proxies simultaneously to handle your requests. This increases your surfing speed, makes you open websites much faster. If one proxy is not work for some websites, other proxies could still get the pages you requested. ProxyShell Hide IP has ability to use different proxies for different sites, or use many proxies for one request at the same time.

Fast internet speed when surfing anonymously
ProxyShell Hide IP has many features to increase surfing speed when you surf with proxies, makes it faster than most of proxy softwares. ProxyShell Hide IP can choose proper proxies for your requests, use many proxies simultaneously , ProxyShell Hide IP can automatically optimize speed of multiple proxies as well. It will monitor the speed of all the proxies, always try to find and use faster proxies to handle your requests.

Fault-tolerant and more reliable hide IP software
Public proxies servers may be not stable, or sometimes even not work totally, this software can detect many proxy related errors and recover automatically. ProxyShell Hide IP highly increases the stability when you surf with proxies. It could detect many proxy errors and make sure you get the correct pages you requested, not error pages.


Data Doctor Recovery Portable 14 in 1

Posted by Unknown 05:28, under | No comments

This AIO Includes:

* Recovery Digital Camera v3.0.1.5
* Recovery Digital Pictures v3.0.1.5
* Recovery FAT v3.0.1.5
* Recovery FAT and NTFS v3.0.1.5
* Recovery iPod v3.0.1.5
* Recovery Memory Card v3.0.1.5
* Recovery NTFS v3.0.1.5
* Recovery Pen Drive v3.0.1.5
* Password Recovery v3.0.1.5
* Recovery Removable Media v3.0.1.5
* Recovery SIM Card v3.0.1.5
* Recovery Zune v3.0.1.5
* Secure Data Wiper v3.0.1.5
* Website Monitor v2.0.1.5

Size:15,4 mb


All Flasher Boxes Crack Collection{2008}

Posted by Unknown 05:15, under | 1 comment

Advance Box Free DCT4+ Unlock Cracked
RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

USB Smart Fully Cracked
RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

Furious Cracked
RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

Vygis Cracked (For LG)
RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

Setool2 Cracked
RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

MS Tool 8 Cracked (For Motorola)
RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

NS Donlge Cracked (For Samsung)
RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

Sonics Crakced (For Sony Ericsson)
RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

Motorola Repair Studio 1.02 Cracked
RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

Smart Moto 1.19 Cracked
RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

SMTi Cracked (For Sagem)
RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

TST Cracked (For Samsung)
RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

UST Pro 6 Cracked (For Samsung)
RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

UST Pro 8
RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

Victor 3.5.2 Cracked (For Motorola)
RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

Vygis Moto Cracked
RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

CDMA Workshop 2.7 Full Cracked
RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

GSM Key Cracked
RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

InkSaver v.2.0

Posted by Unknown 05:11, under | No comments

InkSaver 2.0 allows you to control the amount of ink used by your inkjet printer, making your ink cartridges last longer. Using patented software algorithms, InkSaver optimizes printer data so that your printer uses less ink even when printing at your inkjet’s highest resolution.

Crack included..


XP Repair Pro 2006 v.3.1.6

Posted by Unknown 05:09, under | No comments

XP Repair Pro 2006 v.3.1.6

XP Repair Pro 2006 repairs over 53,000 Windows errors and can improve your system performance
by up to 750 percent. Optimize your system, clean and repair Windows registry, fix PC crashes and
error messages.

- Fixes Over 53,000 Errors
- Startup Monitor
- Registry Optimizer
- DLL/ActiveX Repair
- Privacy Cleaner
- XP Crash Monitor
- Free Support and Upgrades!


Rapidshare Plus-plus versi. 2 - Download Manager for Free Users

Posted by Unknown 05:04, under | No comments

This program downloads files from Rapidshare. Designed for users who donot have a premium account. Well suited for downloading large fileschopped to pieces.


Oct 26, 2008

Calculating AdSense Income Potential

Posted by Unknown 16:34, under | No comments

Mendapatkan extra income yang maksimal dari Google Adsense dengan usaha yang minimal bukanlah sebuah mimpi di siang bolong. Sangat mungkin. Tetapi, itu butuh waktu dan perlu perencanaan, seperti bisnis pada umumnya. Sebelum terjun ke bisnis Adsense, kebanyakan kita bertanya-tanya, berapa banyak yang bisa kita dapatkan dari Adsense?

Untuk memahami potensi pendapatan dari Adsense, bayangkan, setiap seseorang di luar sana mengklik iklan di situs Anda, Anda mendapat prosentase dari pendapatan Google atas penempatan iklan itu.

Tapi, saran saya, jangan sekali-kali Anda mengklik iklan Anda sendiri atau menyuruh orang lain melakukannya, karena Google akan tahu dan segera memecat Anda! Hal ini terjadi pada teman chating saya dari kota gudeg, tapi bukan mas Isnaini yang kondang itu. Teman chating ini mengklik iklannya sendiri, berpindah-pindah dari warnet ke warnet, kemudian dia lapor ke saya CTR-nya (clickthrough rate) 95%. Dia tanya, bagaimana menurunkannya. Saya tidak bisa menjawab. Dia tahu posisinya dalam bahaya, takut kena ban Google. Besoknya, dia lapor lagi telah mendapat ‘surat cinta’ alias pemutusan hubungan bisnis dari Google.

Bagaimana cara menghitung pendapatan (revenue/income) dari iklan Adsense? Berikut ini ilustrasi kalkulasi revenue untuk satu iklan Adsense.

Revenue (Income) = Clickthrough value * Payout rate * Clickthrough rate * Webpage traffic * Frequency of ad

Clickthrough value: biaya per klik yang dibayarkan oleh advertiser/pengiklan (bervariasi).
Payout rate: prosentase pendapatan yang dibayarkan per klik yang ditentukan Google (bervariasi).
Clickthrough rate: berapa kali iklan diklik pada waktu tertentu dibagi dengan berapa kali iklan tampil pada waktu yang sama.
Webpage traffic: jumlah pengunjung di situs Anda.
Frequency of ad: berapa kali iklan tersebut tampil.

Untuk memahaminya, mari kita buat contoh soal:
Clickthrough value: 20 cent atau $ 0,20
-> Advertiser membayar $0.20 per klik kepada Google.
Payout rate: 50% atau 0,5
-> 50% adalah asumsi untuk sebagian besar transaksi.
Clickthrough rate: iklan tampil 100 kali dalam sehari dan diklik oleh 7 orang. Jadi clickthrough ratenya adalah 7:100 = 0,07.
Webpage traffic: 150 pengunjung pada hari itu.
Frequency of ad: 100.

Revenue (income) per hari
= 0,20 * 0,5 * 0,07 * 150 * 100
= $105

Jika diasumsikan $105 sebagai rata-rata income per hari, maka total revenue dalam sebulan, kalikan dengan 30, menjadi $3150. Konversikan dalam rupiah, hampir 29 jutaan! Jumlah penghasilan bulanan yang luar biasa bagi sebagian besar orang Indonesia, apalagi tanpa usaha yang berarti untuk melakukannya. Bahkan, beberapa orang sukses mendapatkan 6 digit $100.000 sampai $300.000 sebulan, hanya dari Adsense.

Bagaimana, ada semangat baru untuk menggeluti Adsense? Tapi, sekali lagi, butuh waktu, perencanaan, keuletan, dan kesabaran. Sama dengan bisnis lain pada umumnya. Tapi, yang ini tanpa modal, khususnya bagi Anda yang punya waktu luang dan ada koneksi internet tentunya.

Tulisan dari:INDOBLOGER

Kapan yah punya pengahasilan seperti diatas :) tapi saya sendiri gak berhenti untuk terus belajar dan tetap semangat!!!!

Oct 25, 2008

Nokia 6210 Navigator

Posted by Unknown 04:31, under | No comments

If you want satnav combined with real business features on your mobile should you be heading in the direction of the 6210 Navigator? We find out.

Anyone who's been in the game long enough will remember Nokia's very first smartphone - the Communicator 9000. Way back in the mid-1990s this phone offered modem connection, fax capabilities, PIM functions and phone. It was the first step along the road to the all-singing, all-dancing smartphones of today. But it was very big, very heavy and very ugly.

For years nothing much changed for Nokia's business handsets. But all of a sudden it seems, the Finnish firm has decided that business folk are also real people - they like a little bit of bling too. The arrival of the slim, smart and usable Nokia E71; the ultimate email phone for business proved that.

Not everyone wants a full Qwerty keyboard, though, or such a wide handset. Though the E71's is one of the slimmest around, it's still wide compared to most consumer handsets. Enter the new 6210 Navigator - a smartphone with a twist - or two.

At first glance this is a pretty bog standard Nokia fare. It's a little larger than most consumer phones - perhaps thanks to its generously-proportioned 2.4in 240 x 320 pixel screen. And its sliding keypad is nothing out of the ordinary either, though it does slide out beautifully smoothly. It doesn't even look as sexy as the more business-focused E71, though its grippy matte-grey rear, silver trim and sculpted glossy black front panel are fetching in a pin-striped suit kind of way.

New directions

Rather than focus on design, looks or pure physical practicality, though, the 6210's raison d'etre is its navigational capabilities. That's nothing new, you might think - after all, virtually every smartphone has GPS these days. But this phone has a few couple of important extras that make its navigational features more usable than most.

The first hint of a difference is a rather odd-looking blue star icon just below the five-way directional control. This is actually a shortcut button, which you click to launch the Nokia Maps application; but, more importantly, it also lights up whenever the GPS radio is in use. Sound trivial? It's more useful than you might think. One of the big problems with GPS is that it saps battery power, and with today's modern multi-tasking smartphones it's all too easy to leave your mapping application running without realising it.

Do this a couple of times and your battery will be dead before you know it. The 6210, however, makes it extremely easy to spot when the GPS is on and when you need to turn it off, and thus helps save on battery life.

Dimension: 103 x 49 x 15mm
Weight: 117 g
Battery type: Li-ion
Talk time (mfr): 180 min (WCDMA)
Standby time (mfr): 9.6 days (WCDMA)
GSM frequencies: Quad-band EGSM 850/900/1800/1900
3G: 900/2100 HSDPA
Display: 2.4 inch
Resolution: 240x320 pixels
Colour depth: 16 million colours
On-board memory: 120 MB
Memory card type: microSD
Connectivity: Bluetooth, USB, GPS receiver (AGPS)
Operating system: S60 3rd Edition, Feature Pack 2

Samsung Omnia (i900)

Posted by Unknown 04:20, under | No comments

Samsung attempts to please both business users and consumers with the Windows Mobile powered Omnia. Has it succeeded? We find out.

One of the biggest bugbears of the original iPhone for corporate users was its lack of business-friendly features such as Exchange support. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then and, while Apple has evolved its product, other mobile manufacturers have been eager to learn from its mistakes.

Many are keen to steal Apple’s touchscreen crown and cement a firm place in the hearts of businesses and consumers alike but few are failing to really offer people a device they can use both inside and outside the office without compromise. Until now, perhaps?

One such contender for the throne is Samsung with its i900 handset. The Omnia, as it is more commonly known, whose moniker translates as ‘everything’ in Latin and ‘wish’ in Arabic, claims to offer users everything they could want in a mobile device ‘in one touch’. But does it really live up to the hype?

Dubbed an ‘all-in-one maxi-phone fully loaded with top-of-the-line multimedia enhanced smartphone features’ and backed by a €5.8 million (£4.7 million) campaign in the UK alone, with ads seemingly everywhere from the tube to newspapers (we haven’t seen any in the toilets…yet), the marketing bumf is enough to give you indigestion.

But, taking a step back from what the marketeers would have you believe you will actually find something of a business gem.

The exterior of the device initially looks pretty classy, but closer inspection reveals it as having a plastic rather than metal finish, which is a little disappointing. However, it doesn’t look cheap, which is an important characteristic for anyone in a business environment, particularly so for those that attend frequent decision-making meetings.

The 3.2 inch WQVGA LCD touch screen with its 240 x 400 pixels is ample enough for most business users’ needs. It’s based on Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, which may be enough to send some business users scurrying away. Samsung thankfully has given it a bit of a makeover, making it more pleasant to look at, though in use it’s still not completely problem free.

Business users will appreciate that the inclusion of Pocket Office. On-screen icons are well thought through design-wise and there’s can you drag your frequently icons onto the ‘desktop’, much like Apple’s OSX widgets enabling a pleasing degree of customisation. However, things can get crowded rather quickly.

The user interface was generally responsive – although applications didn’t load as speedily as we’d have liked. It provides impressive haptic feedback, so you know your request has been received.

There’s a range of input methods including keypads and handwriting recognition and a hard ‘mouse’ key at the bottom of the screen. Sadly, there’s no room at the inn for the stylus, which is forced to live forevermore outside of the handset’s casing on an entirely separate stick, so its eventual loss is near inevitable. However while you still have it in your possession you can admire its solid housing inside a retracting case.

An accelerometer cleverly flips what’s on the screen from portrait to landscape (or vice versa). Unlike with the iPhone or most Windows Mobile devices it does this with the entire OS, which is useful, doing so with a slick resizing effect. There’s a slight delay while the GUI re-adjusts but it’s not too terrible. It certainly makes for easier viewing for Word docs and emails.

Those keen to while away hours spent travelling (but not driving) by watching videos will be pleased by the support for DivX and XviD. Users needing access to the web at the touch of a finger will welcome HSDPA connectivity up to 7.2Mbps and Wi-Fi, while workaholics will smile at the support for push email.

There’s 8GB of internal ROM storage memory but a 16GB version is also available. This is boostable to a whopping 32GB with the addition of a 16GB microSD card, but you’ll need to remove the battery to slide it in.

Memory: 128MB RAM, 8GB/16GB ROM
Display: 3.5in 240 x 400 touchscreen,
Connectivity: Bluetooth, GSM/GPRS/EDGE/3G/HSDPA, 802.11bg WLAN,
Camera: 5 megapixel camera,
Extras: aGPS, FM radio,
Battery: 1,500mAh li-ion battery,
Dimensions (WxDxH): 56 x 12.5 x 112mm
Weight: 125g

Oct 23, 2008

**Tutorial how to update your hwk**

Posted by Unknown 00:31, under | No comments

1:uninstall hwk_suite_setup_v02.07.00.exe
2:uninstall hwk_support_suite setup_v02.07.000.exe
3:run sarasoft_emergency_cleanup.reg
restart computer

if you have hwk killer install:
run hwkkillerRemover.exe
4:run hwk_support_suite setup_v02.07.000.exe
5:hwk upgrade wizard- connect hwk box press- next-start hwkupdate>>>
finish upgrade:
dapat ganito xa:
Upgrade log:

---------- HWK Update Client v ----------

---------- HWK upgrade started:12:03:01 PM ----------

-- Target Id : ** CF 1 **

-- UFSx Boot : UFxBoot V2.2 (c) SarasSoft 2003.

-- UFSx Firmw.: UFS_USB V2.8 (c) SarasSoft 2007.

-- UFSx S/N : *****

-- Features : ********

-- Licence 5 : True

-- UFSx Vendor: TORNADO

-- HWK ID : **********************

-- HWK Status : *, DL: 0


Locating HWK Upgrade server...
HWK Upgrade server found!
Preparing connection to server...
Connecting to HWKUpgrade server...
Server connection successfully established.
Authenticating on server...
Authentication successfull.
Checking upgrade client version...
Your upgrade client is up-to-date.
Upgrading HWK...
HWK upgrade process completed.
---------- HWK upgrade finished:12:03:14 PM ----------

6:run hwk_suite_setup_v02.07.00.exe
restart computer:
7:run HWK_Suite_Minor_v02.07.001
8:run HWK_Suite_Minor_v02.07.002

after u install step 6:,7; or8:
restart computer

hwk error:
Unexpected ExceptionBox_Auth_Error: CLEANUP SYSTEM

1:uninstall hwk_suite_setup_v02.07.00.exe
2:restart computer no need to upgrade your box!
3:install mo ulit hwk_suite_setup_v02.07.00.exe
4:restart computer
5:install HWK_Suite_Minor
6:restart computer

Oct 21, 2008

Pandora Recovery 2.0.1

Posted by Unknown 08:10, under | No comments

Pandora Recovery tool gratis yang powerful dan menyajikan cara efektif untuk membantu menyelamatkan kembali data yang telah terhapus.

Oct 17, 2008

Full MobiMB 3.5.1For 1680-1209-1116

Posted by Unknown 03:20, under | No comments

Software ini sangat berguna bagi anda yang sering download ringtone,foto,etc ke ponsel
cara kerjanya cukup mudah, yang dibutuhkan cuma 1.pc (telah terinstall mobimb 3.5.1) 2.kabel data(sesuaikan sama tipe ponsel anda)
setelah semuanya ok tinggal koneksikan ponsel anda ke komputer nanti kabel data( yang sudah ter install dengan baik dikompie ) secara otomatis akan mengenali ponsel anda, setelah koneksi sudah ok tinggal drag and drop aja ringtone koleksi anda kedalam folder ponsel.

selamat mencoba

Download Software MobiMB 3.5.1============> Download


Posted by Unknown 03:13, under | No comments


Note: Using Firmware universal SE & DCU60 Cable

Program Trick Ponsel

Posted by Unknown 02:34, under | 1 comment

Pada program ini anda bisa menemukan tips2 yang sangat berguna bagi tehnisi ponsel


Program Penjualan untuk Toko Ponsel

Posted by Unknown 00:45, under | 2 comments

Software penjualan untuk toko ponsel dengan menggunakan database Microsoft acces,sangat mudah untuk digunakan,kalo basa kompeninya user friendly


Oct 16, 2008

Handphone Schematic & Manual Service

Posted by Unknown 23:33, under | No comments

Oct 15, 2008

News D-Unlocker, CS Full Unlocker, Octopus Networking v2.20

Posted by Unknown 00:45, under | No comments

D-Unlocker, CS Full Unlocker, Octopus Networking v2.20

Dear all,

we have released new versions of D-Unlocker, Cruiser Suite Full Unlocker and Octopus Networking!

Version 2.20 [081010]

* Single-phase Full Unlock for DB3150 platform
o No modem drivers required anymore
o Instant unlock (typically ~45sec)
* GUI updated – support for displaying server news
* Minor fixes

With our unlockers you can make Full Unlock of your Sony Ericsson phones.

* Cruiser Suite Full Unlocker needs Cruiser Suite dongle, 1 Supreme Credit / 1 unlocked phone and USB-cable.
* D-Unlocker needs 1 Supreme Credit / 1 unlocked phone and USB-cable.
* Octopus Networking offers a worldwide unique lock/unlock solution for people who know somebody with original Sony Ericsson dongle and want to cut costs by using their friend’s dongle.

Oct 14, 2008

SarasSoft Registry BackUp

Posted by Unknown 05:01, under | No comments

SarasSoft Registry BackUp
This will backup the SarasSoft Registry after Installing
= HWK_Support_Suite_Setup_v02.08.000.exe
= HWK_Setup_Suite_v02.08.000.exe
so that you can use this REG to other PC without USING INTERNET
when installing the two SETUP



Posted by Unknown 04:05, under | No comments

Nokia Hard Library v4.0 By blackAttack
Full Guide

What's new?

- Interface more powerfull and easy to use.
- Easy to update in future ( no need to download full package).
- More models and solutions are added.

Models and Solutions

1100/2300: car,charge,earpiece,speaker,local mode,micro,network,on/off,ring,sim
1110/1600/2310: buzzer,charge,handsfree,keypad,lcd,lcd light,light,sim,test mode
1200: charge,keypad,lcd,light,micro,on/off,sim,speaker,test mode
1650: dislay light,on/off,ring,test mode
2600: buzzer,car,charge,lcd,light,test mode
2610: audio,car,charge,lcd,micro,test mode
2630: charge,on/off,test mode
2650: car,display,headset,light,micro,ring,sim
2660: light,sim
2760: charge,sim
3100: antenna,blue lcd,charge,lcd,lcd light,local mode,on/off,ring,sim,sim track
3110: charge,display,display2,ear,speaker,keypad,light,m icro,mmc,on/off,sim,spaeker
3200: camera,charge,display,keypad,lcd,light,local mode,on/off,ring,sim
3220/6020: camera,charge,headset,keypad,lcd,led,local mode,micro,on/off,sim
3230: audio,camera,ear,hang,headset,joystick,keypad,lcd, lcd light,led,mmc,on/off,spaeker
3250: bt,camera,charge,display,earpiece,keypad,lcd,micro ,mmc,on/off,signal,sim
3650: blank,camera,display,headset,keypad,lcd,led,micro, mmc,on/off,sim,speaker,vibra,white
5100: lcd,sim
5140: camera,lcd,
5200/5300: buzzer,camera,charge,display,keypad,lcd light,light,micro,mmc,network,on/off,sim
5310: buzzer,camera,charge,display,earpiece,flex,full,ke ypad,lcd,micro,mmc,network,on/off,sim
5500: audio,display,keypad,network,ring,sim,speaker
5610: micro,on/off
5700: buzzer,micro
6030: keypad,lcd,lcd light,micro,buzzer,charge,test mode,lcd,lcd light,sim
6060: charge,local mode,sim
6070: buzzer,camera,charge,keypad,lcd,lcd light,local mode,on/off,sim,speaker
6085: handsfree,micro,sim
6101: buzzer,lcd light,light,local mode,sim
6110: micro
6120: buzzer,keypad,lcd,light,vibra,vol keys
6125: charge,keypad,camera,micro,sim
6131: blank,charge,keypad,led,micro,mmc,on/off
6151: sim
6170: down keys,keypad,local mode
6230: buzzer,camera,charge,gallery,keypad,led,light,mmc, on/off,sim,test mode,vol keys
6233: audio,bt,bsi,camera,charge,display,ear,keypad,lcd, led,micro,mmc,network,ring,sim,slide keys,vol keys
6260: charge,keypad,lcd,light,micro,mmc,on/off,ring,sim
6263: buzzer,keypad
6267: buzzer,charge,on/off,vibra,camera
6270: camera,charge,display,headset,keypad,led,light,mic ro,network
6280: blank,bt,camera,charge,display,keypad,lcd led,mmc,on/off,signal,sim
6300: blue lcd,bt,camera,charge,display,keypad,lcd,lcd light,led,micro,mmc,network,not power,on/off,ring,sim,spaeker,vibra
6500c: charge
6500s: camera
6600: batt,blank,buzzer,camera,charge,display,earpiece,g allery,joystick,keyboard,keypad,lcd led,micro,mmc,network,on/off,sim,spaker,vibra
6610/7210: lcd,light,not power,on/off,ring,sim
6630: audio,bt,camera,charge,display,earpiece,headset,ke ypad,light,mico,not power,on/off,sim,speaker,vibra,white
6670/7610: camera,charge,display,ear,keyboard,lcd,micro,on/off,ring,sim
6680: bt,camera,display,handfree,keypad,light,mmc,networ k,on/off,signal,sim,white
7200: led,local mode,sim
7250: micro,lcd,not power,light
7360: headset,keys,light,sim,speaker
7370: charge,keypad,local mode,vol keys
7373: mmc,sim
7390: charge
7500: camera,charge
7710: blank,display,mmc
8800: light,sim
E50 : audio,charge,joystick,keypad,micro,mmc
E60 : bt,buzzer,charge,display,keypad,light,on/off,sim,speaker,vibra,white
E61 : audio,blank,charge,joystick,lcd,on/off,signal,sim
E65 : display,keypad,lcd,light,offline,white
N70 : Audio,bt,camera,charge,ear,flash light,handfree,keypad,lcd,light,micro,missmatch,mm c,on/off,ring,signal,sim,synchro,white
N73 : charge,front cam,joystick,keypad,led,micro,ear,mmc,network,on/off,sim,speaker,vibra,white
N80 : charge,hang,keypad,lcd,light,mmc,network,on/off,ring,svc,white
N81 : boot,camera
N90 : charge,keypad,micro,network,sim
N91 : charge,display,ear,handfree,hang,hdd,keypad,on/off,vibra,white
N93 : charge,keypad,micro,offline
N95 : audio,bluelcd,bt,cam keys,camera,charge,flash cam,keypad,lcd,lcd led,lightmmc,network,on/off,restart,sim,usb,vibra

Download Link :

.:Nokia Hard Library v4.0 By BlackAttack Part 1:.

.:Nokia Hard Library v4.0 By BlackAttack Part 2:.

.:Nokia Hard Library v4.0 By BlackAttack Part 3:.

.:Nokia Hard Library v4.0 By BlackAttack Part 4:.

Oct 12, 2008


Posted by Unknown 07:20, under | No comments

* A.V.G.MobiWipe.v1.0.S60.J2MEv2.Retail-daddyfatsax
* Agile.Mobile.Agile.Messenger.v3.86.S60v3 .SymbianOS 9.1.Unsigned..Read.NFO-BiNPDA
* Aims.Migital.Technovations.Smart.Recorde r.v2.00.S6
* Almalence, Inc.PhotoAcue Mobile.v3.0.1 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 -OPDA
* ALON.Software.Contact.Guide.v1.00.S60v3. SymbianOS9 .1.-SyMPDA
* ALON.Software.Contact.Guide.v1.11.S60v3. SymbianOS9 .1.incl.-HSpda
* ALON.Software.MP3.Dictaphone.v1.20.S60v3 .SymbianOS 9.1.incl.-HSpda
* ALON.Software.MP3.Dictaphone.v1.16.S60v3 .SymbianOS .9.1.-HSpda
* ALON.Software.MP3.Dictaphone.v1.15.S60v3 .SymbianOS 9.1.incl.-HSpda

* ALONMP3Dictaphone_S60_3rd
* AllFinder v1.13 S60 v3
* Andreas.Jakl.HourPower.v1.02.S60v3.Symbi anOS9.1
* a.v1.0.S60 .FlashLite.Retail-BiNPDA
* AnimManager_S60_3rd
* ArmyOf_Heroes_176_220_and_240_320_EN
* AutoLock_v1.1_for_S60_3rd_ed
* AutoMsg
* Axel.Fischer.AFTrack91.v1.0.S60v3.Symbia nOS9.1. -SyMPDA
* Backup Contacts 1[1][1].10 S60 SymbianOS.arabic-mEnPDA
* Bermin.Software.Moby.Explorer.v2.1.S60.J ava. -BiNPDA
* best crypto s60 3rd
* Best TaskMan Full v1.00 s60v3
* bestblacklist_s60_3_autostart_unsigned
* BibleReader60_3_367_152
* Bit-Side.PanoMan.240x320.v1.24.S60v3.Symbian OS9.1. -BiNPDA
* blacklist_s60_3
* btswitch_v3_unsigned
* buzzme Free Sms
* Calcium_S60_3_0
* Call_Filter_v0[1].6.0.S60v3
* CamelMedia.Soft.MiniKeeper.v1.07.S60.Jav a.. Read.NFO-illusion
* Carbon Fibre digital clock gkataria
* cCalc.v1.06.S60.SymbianOS9.1
* cClock_unsigned_S60_3rd_106
* cClock_unsigned_S60_3rd_v1.18
* clocks
* CMans.Studios.SaySMS.v3.0.Beta.S60v3.Sym bianOS9.1. Unsigned
* comombo_ns60_3c
* compass.v1.02-ximpda
* CompleteGuideToAchieve SMARTMOVIELatestVersion
* CoreCodec.CorePlayer.v1.1.2.S60v3.Symbia nOS9.1. -BiNPDA
* CPUMonitor_v1.10.s60v3
* CuLTPdA.ProfiMail.v2.60.SymbianOS9.1.
* Currency S60 3rd Edition smartphones. %28sisx%29
* Chitale.Enterprises.Time.Machine.v1.61.S 60v3.Symbi anOS9.1.Regged-BiNPDA
* DC.Co.iSilo.v4.33b1.S60v3.SymbianOS9.1. -BiNPDA
* DC.Co.iSilo.v4.35.S60v3.SymbianOS9.1. -BiNPDA
* Devlex.PhonePoint.v4.0.2.S60v3.-XRAIPDA
* dictaphone_s60_3_0_v_1_01_0_hd
* DivXPlayer for s60v3
* DivXPlayer.v0.85.S60v3.SymbianOS9.1
* DivXPlayer.v0.88.S60v3.SymbianOS9.1
* DVGet.0.9.sisx


Posted by Unknown 06:52, under | No comments

Here you can find video tutorial for Se Tool users! very complete you can download at here it's FREE!

* Flashing M600i
* CID49 DB2020 Flash and Unlock
* W380 unlock sem os drives usb
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* revive phone after executor
* A2 Flashing
* A2 Reset Usercode
* CID 52-53 DB2020-DB2012-DB2001-PNX5230 phone unlocking
* DB2010 CID36 Full Repair
* DB2010 CID49 Full Flash
* DB2010 CID49 Repair GDFS
* DB2012 CID52 Free Flash
* DB2020 CID49 Free Flashing
* DB2020 CID51 Free Unlock
* DB2020 CID52 Full Flash
* DB2020 CID52 Reset Usercode
* Flashing and unlocking db2020 cid 52


Oct 11, 2008

SonyEricsson Repair Instruction Repair Movie

Posted by Unknown 13:21, under | No comments

Sony Ericsson C902
Repair Instruction Repair
Download Link

Sony Ericsson C702 Repair
Download Link

Sony Ericsson W890i Repair
Download Link

Sony Ericsson W830i Repair Repair
Download Link

Sony Ericsson Z770i Repair
Download Link

Sony Ericsson G900i Repair
Download Link

Sony Ericsson G700 Repair

Sony Ericsson G502 Repair

Sony Ericsson K850i Repair

Sony Ericsson P1i Repair

Sony Ericsson K770i Repair

Sony Ericsson W760i Repair

Sony Ericsson R300i Repair

Sony Ericsson K750i Repair

Oct 10, 2008

Metode Pengukuran

Posted by Unknown 04:16, under | No comments

Metode Pengukuran

mengetahui jalur yang putus dari suatu rangkaian diperlukan suatu alat
ukur yang disebut AVOMeter, dengan menggunakan AVOMeter kita dapat
mengetahui baik tidaknya suatu jalur menggunakan fasilitas pengukuran
Ohm “?”.

Dalam penganalisaan jalur diperlukan sumber arus
listrik yang akan diberikan kepada jalur tersebut. Perlu anda ketahui
bahwa didalam AVOMeter sudah terdapat sumber arus yang berasal dari
sebuah battery yang telah dipasang didalam AVOMeter, sehingga pada
waktu pengukuran tegangan battrey ini akan mengalir pada rangkaian yang
diukur, walaupun hanya dapat memberikan arus yang sangat rendah.

menganalisa kerusakan jalur pada suatu rangkaian dapat dilakukan dengan
dua cara, pertama pengukuran secara pararel dan pengukuran secara seri.
Pada prinsipnya pengukuran tersebut sama saja, akan tetapi akan lebih
akurat bila dilakukan dengan dua cara tersebut. Agar dapat lebih
dipahami lagi ikuti keterangan dibawah ini:

Teknik Pengukuran Pararel

pengukuran paralel

prinsipnya pengukuran resistansi atau tahanan adalah mengukur besaran
arus yang akan mengalir pada suatu rangkaian, maka bila disaat
pengukuran terdapat suatu jalur yang tidak mempunyai nilai resistansi
(Jarum AVO Meter tidak bergerak sedikitpun) atau short (Jarum AVO Meter
bergerak penuh ke arah kanan / 0 ohm), besar kemungkinan tidak akan ada
arus listrik yang dapat mengalir dari jalur tersebut. Akan tetapi bila
terdapat nilai resistansi yang kecil (Jarum AVO Meter akan bergerak
lebih jauh ke arah kanan) maka arus yang akan mengalir pada jalur
tersebut sangat besar. Bila nilai resistansinya besar (Jarum AVO Meter
hanya bergerak sedikit saja ke arah kanan) maka makin kecil arus yang
akan mengalir pada rangkaian tersebut. Akan tetapi bila AVO-Meter tidak
menunjukan nilai Resistansi (Jarum tidak bergerak sedikitpun) maka
tidak terdapat arus yang mengalir pada jalur tersebut.

tentu bila dalam pengukuran tersebut tidak menujukan nilai resistansi
maka dapat dipastikan jalurnya yang putus, bisa saja tidak terdapat
arus yang disebabkan karena terdapat komponen yang bermasalah, mungkin
rusak atau hubungannya tidak baik. Oleh karena itu cara pengukuran
pararel dapat dilakukan juga untuk menganalisa kerusakan pada suatu
komponen atau rangkaian.

Teknik Pengukuran Seri

hasil pengukuran pararel menunjukan bahwa jalur tersebut tidak
mempunyai arus, sebaiknya anda jangan dulu mengambil kepastian bahwa
jalur tersebut putus, anda dapat meyakinkannya dengan cara pengukuran
secara seri, cara ini membutuhkan skema diagram untuk mengetahui
komponen yang akan dilalui oleh setiap jalurnya, pada prakteknya anda
akan mengukur satu persatu disetiap komponen yang akan dilalui oleh
jalur tersebut.

Metode pengukuran secara seri dapat diperlihatkan pada gambar dibawah ini:

pengukuran seri

dengan metoda pengukuran pararel, dimana AVO-Meter akan menunjukan
nilai resistansinya. Sedangkan metoda pengukuran seri dilakukan untuk
mengetahui terhubung atau tidaknya suatu jalur. Bila hasil pengukuran
menunjukan suatu nilai resistansi (tahanan) maka jalur tersebut tidak
terhubung dengan baik, apalagi bila hasil pengukuran AVO-Meter tidak
bergerak sedikitpun dipastikan jalur tersebut telah putus. Jalur
tersebut normal bila jarum avometer menunjukan “0 Ohm” ( Jarum
AVO-Meter bergerak penuh ke arah kanan). Seperti gambar dibawah ini:


Cara Menganalisa kerusakan jalur

contoh kasus, disini saya akan mempraktekan cara menganalisa jalur SIM
Card pada ponsel Nokia NGAGE QD, walaupun dalam praktek ini hanya
diberikan contoh pada permasalahan SIMCard saja, akan tetapi bila anda
telah benar-benar paham dengan yang akan dijelaskan ini maka akan mudah
dalam penganalisaan jalur pada rangkaian yang lainnya.
kali langkah yang harus dilakukan adalah mengukur nilai Resistansi
disetiap jalur/pin out pada Konektor atau Interface SIMCard pada PWB
Ponsel. Test Probe AVO-Meter dihubungkan secara pararel, hitam ke
Ground sedangkan yang merah dihubungkan kesetiap jalur/pin out. Caranya
dapat diperlihatkan pada gambar dibawah ini:

Gambar diatas dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut:
Setel AVOMeter pada kalibrasi OHM X1, karena pada setingan ini AVOMeter
akan dapat memberikan arus yang cukup besar untuk mengalirkan arus
listrik pada rangkaian yang akan kita ukur dan AVOMeter tidak
akan terlalu peka dalam pengukurannya, terkecuali bila jarum petunjuk
AVOMeter hanya bergerak sedikit saja, maka anda dapat menaikan
kalibrasinya menjadi OHM X10 atau yang lebih diatasnya.

Hubungkan Testprobe yang berwarna hitam kepada Ground (Negatif) pada
PWB Ponsel, selanjutnya Testprobe yang berwarna merah
hubungkan kepada salah satu jalur SIMCard. Anda ukur satu persatu ke
semua kaki-kaki konektor SIMCard. Bila disetiap kaki konektror
tersebut terdapat nilai resistansi maka dapat dipastikan jalur
tersebut adalah normal / tidak bermasalah. Disaat pengukuran akan
ditemukan dari salah satu jalur tersebut, dimana AVOMeter
menunjukan 0Ohm (jarum bergerak penuh / Short) ini bisa
diartikan bahwa jalur tersebut terhubung langsung dengan Ground. Akan
tetapi bila salah satu kaki konektor tersebut tidak
memiliki nilai resistansi, kemungkinan besar jalur tersebut telah
putus, untuk meyakinkan jalur tersebut putus atau memang
jalur itu adalah jalur kosong atau jalur aktif, maka anda
dapat melihatnya pada skema diagram. Dapat diperlihatkan pada gambar
dibawah ini:

Jalur konektor SIM Card

“SIM READER” pin 6 (VPP), disana terlihat jelas bahwa jalur tersebut
adalah jalur yang tidak digunakan, maka bila tidak terdapat nilai
resistansi, keadaan tersebut adalah wajar. Pada pin 5 akan dihubungkan
ke Ground, maka hal yang wajar bila hasil pengukuran jarum AVO-Meter
akan bergerak secara penuh ke arah kanan.

Menentukan antar blok yang bermasalah

hasil dari pengukuran diatas terdapat salah satu jalur yang putus maka
selanjutnya anda tinggal mengetahui jalur alternatif yang akan
dihubungkan. Langkah inilah yang cukup memusingkan karena kita harus
betul-betul memahami hubungan antar sistemnya, misalkan saja untuk
permasalahan SIM Card yang sedang kita bahas ini. Sebelum melakukan
pengukuran, harus diketahui hubungan antar sistem yang berkaitan dengan
jalur dari konektor SIM Card ini. Bila anda belum mengetahuinya, maka
diperlukan skema diagram.


penjelasan skema diagram diatas, terlihat bahwa jalur dari konektor SIM
Card akan diteruskan kepada EMI-Filter, selanjutnya diteruskan kepada
UEM. Setelah kita mengetahui hubungan antar sistem tersebut, langkah
pengukuran dapat dilakukan secara bertahap dari komponen ke komponen di
setiap bloknya, agar jalur alternatif yang akan di Jumper adalah jalur
aktif yang semestinya tersambung tanpa harus melewati suatu rangkaian
yang aktif, misalkan melakukan jumper dari konektor SIM card langsung
ke UPP tanpa melewati UEM sedangkan UEM berfungsi sebagai SIM Detektor
dan SIM IF, maka hal ini adalah tindakan yang salah! Ponsel tidak akan
dapat bekerja dengan baik.

Yang akan menyulitkan adalah
menentukan jalur dari komponen manakah jalur yang putus tersebut,
apakah jalur dari konektor SIM Card kepada EMIF? atau justru yang putus
adalah jalur EMIF kepada UEM?. Oleh karena itu cara pengukurannya harus
secara sistematis dan berurutan berdasarkan Sistem didalamnya. Cara
pengukurannya gunakan metoda pengukuran secara seri.

Nokia Hardware Picture Help In One Page

Posted by Unknown 02:32, under | 1 comment


Direct Download - Nokia Hardware Picture Help From Archit Raj.rar

Rapid Share - Nokia_Hardware_Picture_Help_From_Archit_Raj.rar

Hwk Faq

Posted by Unknown 02:23, under | No comments

I will try to maintain a list of common question here.

Q. What does HWK mean?

A. HardWare Key.

Q. Is it easy to install inside the UFS box?

A. Yes, just open the box, align the 16 pins and
push into place, if you insert the wrong way the HWK will overlap the
outside of the PCB.

Q. What features does it add?

A. Please check this thread here

Q. Is that all the features?

A. No, updates will come for the HWK, some free, some paid, dependant on the work involved.

Q. I have "Features:00000001" without HWK, why?

A. This is a preview for 200 phones, the HWK will added unlimited counter.

Q. How much is BB5 support or is it included in the HWK price?

A. BB5 flashing will be included in the price of the HWK.

Q. What does the UFS VPP Adapter do?

A. The flashing time is reduced with external VPP, so for users who have many phones to flash the overall time taken is quicker.

Q. Can I use the VPP Adapter with 7pin cables?

A. The VPP Adapter was designed for use with 5pin cables, use with 7pin may cause damage to the phones.

Q. My HWK shows RASKALIZED-20$-NOT APPLICABLE, what should I do?

A1. If you thought you had purchased an Original HWK, then contact your cheater reseller.

A2. If you purchased a Trial HWK, consider purchasing an Original.


A1. If you purchased an Original HWK, then contact
your reseller for instructions on replacing the patched firmware with
Original firmware.

A2. If you used the RASKUL-HATER, sorry the patched firmware does not work any longer.

Q. Why do I get message "xxxx - Bad Product Settings" in LG_GSM software?

A. It means the phone or function is not supported, but listed for future support.



HWK Release 2.08

Posted by Unknown 02:20, under | No comments

The Official release is ready in our download area

Please follow the instructions careful on the above page.

The Update Client is launched after HWK Support Suite install, if you
cancel without making the update, you can run the Update Client again,
by selecting the shortcut on the Start Menu:-
Programs\SarasSoft\UFS\Utilities\Update Client
If the HWK is a "TRIAL" or affected by 3rd party tools, this software may not work properly, so use at your own risk.

UFS_DCTxBB5 v2.0.8.0

1. New BB5 products:
2. New DCT4 products:
3. New DCT4+ UNL versions support:
1200 (RH-99 v5.51,v5.53), 1200b (RH-100 v5.32)
1208 (RH-105 v5.51,v5.53), 1208b (RH-106 v4.00,v4.11,v5.23,v5.32)
1650 (RM-305 v5.32,v5.51,v5.53)
1680c-2,1680c-2b (RM-394,RM-395 v5.61,v5.63)
2610,2610b (RH-86,RH-87 v6.73,v7.10)
2630 (RM-298 v5.61)
2760 (RM-258 v4.20,v5.61), 2760b (RM-259 v4.20,v5.61)
2760h (RM-391 v5.45)
4. Fixed minor bugs.
5. New Flash Update Pack
Do not use external VPP adapter with RX2 enabled
cables, since this will put VPP direct to RX2 and its possible to KILL
the phone.

v (HWK Required)

1. Added "FSct0" (Force Sector 0 Overwrite) Checkbox in
Infineon platform.
Use it for Frozen or blinking phones (KE800,..)
2. KP130, KP210, KP215, KP260, KP265 support added.

S730i (DUNL,IM,FL)added.
B200,B300 DUNL and IM fixed.
Reserved Regions values revised and fixed.
MSL Repair enhanced, and added for following products:
C17x,C26x,C520,E84x,E90x,E95x,F21x,M300,M60x,P520, U10x,U30x,X82x
"Erase NOR" activated.
Enhanced 4CC protocol handler (fixed error on PC busy)
E21x,J60x fixed (INF,DUNL,IM)
M310 added (FL,CUNL)
Enhanced 4CC protocol handler (fixed error on PC busy)
A117,C288,M130L added (DUNL,IM,FL,SECT)
E746 bug fixed.
D780,D788(Duos2),D828E,E251,E251C,E258D,F110,G808E ,J210,L310,
P180,P200,P260,P850,P858,T309,T509,U908E,X700N (DUNL,FL,SECT)
F488E,J150 (FL,CUNL) Use 'Unlock E2P' to see Codes.
E35x,E37x,T809 DUNL, SECT and IM fixed.
E480,E488 bug in DUNL,SECT fixed.
D880-Duos flashing bug in fixed.
X700 SECT fixed.
B130 introduced(FL,CUNL) Use 'Unlock E2P' to see Codes.
A411,A412,A701,A706,A707,A711,A717,A727,A736,A737, A801,A817,
F330,F338,F400,F408,F480,F488,F490,F510,F550,F700, G400,G800,
G800B,G800L,G808,J200,J200L,J208,J630,J638,L170,L7 60,L760G,
L768,L810,L811,P910,P920,P940,P950,P960,T639,T819, U700,U700B,
U708,U800,U800F,U900,U900U,U908,V705,V706,V707,V70 8,Z150,Z170,
Z230,Z238,Z240,Z240E,Z248,Z310,Z360,Z368,Z400,Z540 ,Z548,Z560,
Z570,Z720,Z728,Z740,ZV40,ZV50,ZV60 introduced (FL,INF,REUL)
Product Langpacks description added (Info and MCU-Open)
Note, real menu languages can differ from listed here,
for different models, firmware versions. Languages in
brackets is not mandatory for current Region.
SeDBx v2.0.8.0


1. Added Support for: 36Brown, 49Brown

1. Added Support for: 50Brown, 51Brown, 51Red, 53Red.
2. Added CID Upgrade.


1. Added Support for: 49Brown.
2. Loaders Updated.

1. Added Support for: 49Brown, 52Brown.
2. Loaders Updated.
USB Drivers are installed to X:\Program Files\SarasSoft\UFS\UFS_DBX\USBFlashDriver

Oct 9, 2008

JAF Setup 1.98.61 ready...

Posted by Unknown 13:49, under | No comments

JAF Setup 1.98.61 ready...

-reverted to old loaders. Now it's all fbus phones are working again. N96 it's supported for USB only.


--== List of latest available versions of Cruiser Suite applications ==--

Posted by Unknown 12:08, under | No comments

___ A1 Fast Java Unlocker 1.01 from 03.07.2008

A1 Java Unlocker 1.11 from 18.07.2008

A2 Flasher 1.06 from 07.10.2008

Calypso Flasher 1.03 from 29.02.2008

GDFS Backuper & Restorer 1.01 from 30.07.2008

Locosto Flasher 1.10 from 24.06.2008

PDA Flasher 1.08 from 20.08.2008

PDA Unlocker 1.00 from 13.03.2008

SE Full Unlocker 2.13 from 21.08.2008

Testpoint Full Unlocker 1.05 from 08.08.2008

Ultimate Unlocker/SE Ultimate Unlocker 2.01 from 08.10.2008

.:: New Release: Cruiser Suite PDA Flasher v1.08 supports all latest SE PDAs ::.

Posted by Unknown 11:02, under | No comments

Dear all,

we have just released new version of Cruiser Suite PDA flasher v1.08. With this component of Cruiser Suite you can flash all latest SonyEricsson PDA phones.
Cruiser Suite PDA Flasher is a standalone application, so once you have
flash file for your PDA in your PC, you can update the firmware or
customize it without internet connection and for free (no credits

Cruiser Suite PDA Flasher v1.08 release notes:

  • Added support for flashing and customizing of all SonyEricsson G700, G900 mobile phones
  • Fixed bug - M600 blinking screen
  • Graphic User Interface updated
All can download it from our Cruiser Suite Download section or from this rapidshare link:


solusi bb5 conser(contact services)

Posted by Unknown 10:31, under | No comments

Solusi BB5 conser(contact services)

1. fullerase ponsel bb5 anda, jangan lupa saat mengerase/menghapus
seluruh sistem data di bb5 anda pastikan anda sempat backup rplnya jika
kondisi imei masih normal tidak 12345xxx, jika kondisi imei anda telah
12345xxx lakukan kalkulasi ask ke rpl di online servers.

2. fullflashing ponsel bb5 anda seperti biasa.

3. write rpl backup tersebut atau rpl dari online server jika kondisi imei 12345xx, pastikan semuanya sukses:


Simlock send - SUCCESSFULL!!!

SuperDongle send - SUCCESSFULL!!!



jika salah satu tidak sukses lakukan write rpl ulang kembali dan
jangan tekan tombol yes(karna akan mengwrite npc sertifikat ponsel
tersebut) jadi no kan saja.

4. lakukan sx4/PMM auth (di mxkey)

5. terakhir lakukan write pm yang telah di modif atau tidak ada sekuriti didalam nya (0-308).


kondisi ponsel bb5 anda salah flash/wrong software yang menyebabkan conser.

..:: Cruiser Suite - New Promotion for Free daily Ultimate Unlocks ::..

Posted by Unknown 08:50, under | No comments

Oct 8, 2008

Solusi Contact Service Pada NOKIA 5200 & 5300

Posted by Unknown 09:43, under | No comments

Punya masalah Contact Service pada Nokia 5200/5300?
coba solusi dibawah ini.

Yang dibutuhkan flasher box JAF
Cara:Pake SX4 trus write PM atau erase flash file dengan menggunakan erase file trus flash pake versi terbaru kalkulasi RPL trus centang sx4 dan write PM tanpa blok 308

General Informations regarding CID, CDA, COLOR, GDFS etc.

Posted by Unknown 09:36, under | No comments

General Informations regarding CID, CDA, COLOR, GDFS etc.

CID = This "number" defines the version of SE's protection present in the phone.New CIDs are deployed from time to time, for the sole reason of preventing them from beeing unlocked/flashed/tampered with by non-SE service tools. Current CIDs in use by SE are 29/36/37/49. SE-based LG/Sharp phones use the same system (but different versions). The OTP (One Time Programmable memory) and EROM of a phone might be protected by different CIDs, usually the case in newer K600s/K608s.

CDA = This "number" defines which variant of a specific firmware a phone is supposed to have.It lets among others SEUS (Sony Ericsson Update Service) know which language-pack/branding/bandlocks a phone is to be flashed with. A generic (unbranded) K750 for use in Scandinavia will be CDA102337/12, whilst a Telenor-branded K750 will be CDA102338/62. Both will be flashed with the same languages/dictionaries, but the latter will be flashed with Telenor-branded firmware.

BLUE/BROWN/RED:This "color" defines what kind of phone we are dealing with.BLUE phones has been assembled at the factory, but never been programmed with software/GDFS/IMEI (remember kids: the IMEI is stored in the OTP (One Time Programmable memory))BROWN phones are "developer phones", for testing. Less restrictions are present, as these are used for "debugging/beta" purposes. As of CID36, a phone has to be converted to BROWN to unlock it.RED phones are your typical retail ones.

GDFS:This is the phones "stash", where all settings and calibration data is stored (this also goes for the firmwares IMEI-resource as well as the SIMlocks). Similar to other brands use of NVRAM (Non-Viotile Random Access Memory).

IMEI = International Mobile Equipment Identity.A 15-digit number which includes information on the origin, model, and serial number of the device. The model and origin comprise the initial 8-digit portion of the IMEI, known as the "Type Allocation Code/TAC". The remainder of the IMEI is manufacturer-defined, with a "Luhn check digit" at the end (which is never transmitted). The "Luhn check digit" is calculated from the rest of the IMEI.
It should be noted that in SE-based phones, the IMEI is stored in two places, the OTP (One Time Programmable memory) and GDFS. The GDFS IMEI is normally read from the OTP, but this can be circumvented by SETool function to "change" the IMEI. This patches the firmware into allowing different OTP/GDFS IMEIs. It is the GDFS IMEI that is reported to the network, so changing this will "de-bar" blocked phones. SEUS is not fooled by this, on the other hand, and it should also be noted that doing this is illegal in most countries.

EMMA = Service software/solution by SE themselves. Protected by the EMMA smartcard to prevent non-licensed usage. Current version is EMMA3, though EMMA2 is still alive (but kinda useless on newer phones). The EMMA smartcard contains an algorithm that allows EMMA to communicate directly to/with the phones CID, so performing operations the way they were intended. The smartcard and its algorithm has not been cracked. Current EMMA access levels exists:Service Update - Can't unlock phones.Service Update Pro - Can't unlock phones.Network Operator - Can't unlock phones (but sure as hell can lock them ).Service Center Std - Can't unlock phones.Service Center Rc - Can unlock phones, as they have a special version of the smartcard with a CSCA key.Research & Development - Can unlock phones, as they have a special version of the smartcard with a CSCA key.

DB2000, DB2010, DB2020,db2012 = SEMC (Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications) hardware platforms. It's something similar to chipset in PC.DB2000 (another name is Marita) is a GSM+3G(UMTS) capable platform, SE K600/K608/V600/Z800/W900, Sharp 802sh, 902sh, 903sh and LG 3G phones are based on it.DB2010/2012 (Marita compact) is GSM-only, non-3G, platform. Most not very old and modern SE phones like K300,K500,K700,K750,S700,W300,W550,W800,Z520,Z530 are based on this chipset.DB2020 is the newest product of SEMC. K800, K790, K610, Z710 etc, Sharp 904sh feature this most secure (from SE's point of view) platform.

Restore files for Cruiser

Posted by Unknown 02:24, under | No comments

CruiserFWRestore_K320_v1.00_installer.rar 3.9 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_K550_v1.00_installer.rar 16.2 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_K610_v1.00_installer.rar 16.3 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_K618V630_v1.00_installer.rar 5.3 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_K790_v1.00_installer.rar 13.6 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_K800_v1.00_installer.rar 22.8 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_K810_v1.00_installer.rar 13.0 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_v1.10_installer.exe 23.8 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_W200_v1.00_installer.rar 4.9 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_W610_v1.00_installer.rar 9.8 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_W710_v1.00_installer.rar 6.5 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_W830_v1.00_installer.rar 2.7 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_W850_v1.00_installer.rar 14.3 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_W880_v1.00_installer.rar 13.7 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_W888_v1.00_installer.rar 1.4 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_Z610_v1.00_installer.rar 12.4 MB 2008-Jan-21
CruiserFWRestore_Z710_v1.00_installer.rar 5.9 MB 2008-Jan

Download Disini

Ultimate Unlocker FAQ

Posted by Unknown 02:20, under | No comments

Dear all,

I'll try to explain the most common mistakes and give a detailed description what to do.

First of all, there are two different applications:

Cruiser Suite SE Ultimate Unlocker (sometimes referred as "SE Ultimate Unlocker")
this application is used by users who own and use the Cruiser+ dongle

it can be found on Download area, in the section:
Downloads > Software_GSM > CruiserSuite > Cruiser_SeUltimateUnlocker > SeUltimateUnlocker_v1.01-installer.rar

Ultimate Unlocker

Users who are used to use the D-Client and D-unlocker software, can use this application

it can be found on Download area, in the section:
Downloads > Software_GSM > UltimateUnlocker > UltimateUnlocker_v1.01-installer.rar

The Errors

there are (or were) these main issues:

  • Wrong server port (correct is 9001)

    symptoms: Error - "Cannot connect to server"

    solution: correct the port number to 9001 in the settings tab and click 'Save'
    (in the version 1.01 has been the default port corrected to 9001, but once you have run v1.00, this must be corrected manually)
  • Usage of wrong application (Cruiser+ dongle owner uses Ultimate Unlocker and vice versa)

    "Server error, Try again in a few minutes"
    "Username / card-id not registered"
    "You are not authorized to use this application"

    install & use the correct application (Ultimate Unlocker or Cruiser Suite SE Ultimate Unlocker)
  • Ultimate Unlocker v1.00 bug - it was not possible to use the application without a Cruiser+ dongle inserted

    use Ultimate Unlocker v1.01

Cruiser Team

author: admin

How to connect phones with Ultimate Unlocker

Posted by Unknown 01:49, under | No comments

Hello all,

this article helps with connecting the phones with Ultimate Unlocker. The solution is based on your phone platform:

DB3100, DB3150, DB3200, DB3210, DB3350:

  • Only DCU-60 and DCU-65 interfaces are supported. Press and hold keys '2' and '5', then connect the DCU-6x cable.

DB2020 (except W880):
  • When using a DCU-6x cable, press and hold keys '2' and '5', then connect the cable.
  • When using a Fighter/UC-10/UC-20 cable (including clones), double-click the cable item in Ultimate Unlocker, then connect the cable to phone.

DB2020 (W880 only):
  • When using a DCU-6x cable, press and hold keys '2' and '*', then connect the cable.
  • When using a Fighter/UC-10/UC-20 cable (including clones), double-click the cable item in Ultimate Unlocker, then connect the cable to phone.

  • Only Fighter/UC-10/UC-20 cables (including their clones) are supported. Double-click the cable item in Ultimate Unlocker, then connect the cable to phone.

For other platforms, this list will be updated soon.

Thanks to Lead for this article.
author: admin

Memulai Usaha service ponsel

Posted by Unknown 01:07, under | No comments


Iseng nih gak tau mau nulis apa.... so saya mau sharing nih sedikit tips buat memulai usaha service ponsel :D singkat aja yah.

Perlengkapan Service Hardware
-Solder station Rp 180.000
-Solder Uap Rp 800.000
-Obeng & Pinset Rp 100.000
-Microscope(Optional) Rp 800.000
-Plat BGA Rp 70.000
-Timah,kabel jumper etc Rp 100.000
Sub total Rp 2.050.000

Perlengkapan Service Software
-Komputer P4 3.0 Rp 3.000.000
-UFS Micro + HWK Rp 1.500.000
-JAF Rp 1.650.000
-Cruiser Box + UC20 Rp 1.700.000
Sub Total Rp 7.850.000

Total Rp 9.900.000

Budget diatas belum termasuk biaya oprasional sehari hari dan biaya sewa tempat (Kalo nyewa seperti saya :D)

kalo selama ini saya jalani usaha servis ponsel masih masuk lah dengan modal tersebut diatas,yang penting jangan sekali kali banting harga!! soalnya lambat laun dampaknya pasti kerasa ama kita sendiri! asal tau aja kalo saya pribadi cost yang paling besar dalam servis ponsel adalah biaya riset nya!!


resiko paling besar adalah bikin hp orang matot! (mati total) jadi resiko ini sangat perlu di pertimbangkan sebelum anda menerima servisan dari konsumen.
biasanya tehnisi paling suka kalo masuk hp yang masuk dalam keadaan MATOT! soalnya resikonya kecil ;)

sebelum saya akhiri tulisan ini,ada satu nasehat nih :) usahakan dalam menjalankan usaha servis ponsel anda harus berpengang teguh pada yang namanya KEJUJURAN! menurut pengalaman saya Kejujuran adalah salah satu kunci sukses untuk memulai usaha apapun!


.!! Ultimate Unlockers v2.00 released - Now supports Full Repair/Unlock of PDAs !!.

Posted by Unknown 00:52, under | No comments


Cruiser team membuat terobosan baru dengan mengeluarkan Ultimate Unlockers v2.00
Mulai sekarang para pengguna box cruiser udah gak perlu lagi yang namanya testpoint! buat memperbaiki kerusakan erom,gdfs,scr damage,unlock dll. cuma butuh 1 menit buat tukang servis he..he..he.. langsung cair deh jadi duit!
Mau tipe apa aja (
A2, DB2020 & DB2012 and PDA DB2000/DB2001 bahkan cid yang paling tinggi pun udh bisa diservisssssssss :D) tapi........
sayangnya untuk menikmati service revosioner dari cruiser team ini gak murah :( kita diharuskan membeli supreme credit (LOG) dari cruiser,log nya gak murah! denger2 di www. dijual sekitar 220rb/log! so buat service ponsel SE yang seri2 murah kudu pikir2 dulu buat menikmati service ini.

Cruiser SE Ultimate Unclocker

Posted by Unknown 00:48, under | No comments

Hello all!

We have just released a new version of our most wanted products - Ultimate Unlockers 2.00. Version v2.00 offers full direct unlock and relock of all existing A2, DB2020 and DB2012 Sony Ericsson mobile phones but also all existing PDA DB2000/DB2001 phones.
  • Short unlock time - typically 2 unlocks per minute
  • Instant unlock - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • No modem drivers installation required anymore

  • New revolutionary security bypass technique
  • Non-TP full security zone repair
  • Non-TP full EROM/SEMCBOOT repair
  • Unlocking via codes of all existing A2, DB2020 & DB2012 and PDA DB2000/DB2001 phones even for the latest CIDs
  • Ultimate Unlocker is the only software that can recalculate damaged STATIC_CRC in A2 phones

Addidtional features:
  • CID change (downgrade/upgrade)
  • supports USB DCU-60 and original Fighter/UC10/UC20 boxes + many their clones

Download the D-Ultimate Unlocker or Cruiser Suite SE Ultimate Unlocker from our Download section or these rapidshare links:


PDA DB2000/DB2001 Full Unlock / Complete SecZone repair support added
• Consumption of Supreme credits for full unlock of SE PDA DB2001 is the same as for A2 phones. PDA DB2000 consumption is 1/2 of A2 consumption.
• GUI update - phone list sorted, settings preserved after restart
• DB3150 loaders updated

• fixed W880 EROM
• recovery for DB3150 unknown color
• fixed a subset of GDFS startup failures (DB2020)
• other minor updates

• recovery from failed certificate write (DB2020)
• added support for DB2020 flash CID 80

• Temporary workaround for occasional DB3150 unlock issue
• Minor GUI fixes

• Initial release
• Supported platforms: DB2012, DB2020, DB3150
• Features: Unlock, Lock to network, Show codes, CID change, EROM repair
• Supports Serial and USB interfaces

According to many our customers' requests, we have also decided to rename Ultimate Unlockers applications as follows:

D-Ultimate Unlocker = is ultimate unlocker application which doesn't require Cruiser+ (-07) smartcard (or dongle). No card is needed. Just supreme credits account and 1 cable.
CruiserSuite SE Ultimate Unlocker = this ultimate unlocker requires Cruiser Suite smartcard and allows the owner to have much better consumption of Supreme credits required for performing the Full Unlocks or repairs than non-card D-Ultimate Unlocker.

For more info about our Ultimate Unlockers or other products and prices, please visit our official site


Just to be sure...

D-Ultimate Unlocker
- is succesor of the D-Unlocker, it uses D-Unlocker account (username & password)

CruiserSuite SE Ultimate Unlocker
- is successor of the SE Full Unlocker, it require Cruiser Plus -07 dongle and SE Full Unlocker supreme logs (dongle & password)
- if you have or you will buy Cruiser Supreme logs account with at least 1 supreme log - you'll have free unlock until 7.10.2008


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