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Aug 28, 2008

Youtube video - UNLOCKING W200 WITH UC20 CABLE

Posted by Unknown 16:55, under | No comments

Youtube video - UNLOCKING W200 WITH UC20 CABLE

Here you can see how this new cable/hardware is very efficient .
Cables/boxes will be ready for sell in some days .

video unlock with cruiser:


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Clearing Phone Lock of DB2020, DB2012, PNX and old DBs

Posted by Unknown 16:51, under | No comments

Pressing Clear phone lock takes credit on DB2020 phones (unless CT fixed this on their next update)...

That's not the way to do if you want it free with Cruiser+...
for DB2020 you need to flash your phone:
(so far this is what i have tried, i have not try other way)

  1. attach
  2. flash main
  3. flash fs
  4. customize
  5. clear phone lock
  6. press turn-off phone

when power on phone it will still ask phone lock (just enter its default: 0000)

Reading only phone lock on DB2012, PNX, old DB***x, (via rj45)

  1. choose "identify" on boot options of primary folder
  2. press attach.

Reading phone lock of DB2020 PDA:

  1. there is a "pda info reader" on the support site, just download it.

Clearing phone lock of A2 phone:

  1. download "se a2 flasher" from support site
  2. then check "user code reset".

Aug 14, 2008

Cruiser UC20 TestPoint

Posted by Unknown 07:48, under | No comments

Buat Unlock & Repair GDFS Struktur
Security Zone and GDFS - FAQ

Hi all,

There were some questions about GDFS and security zone, i'll try to explain shortly.

Security Zone vs. GDFS

Security Zone is a part of GDFS, which contains information about SIM-locks. Our Full Unlockers (TestPoint Full Unlocker, Full Unlocker) modify strictly the security zone, and perform a full and correct rebuild. GDFS Backuper & Restorer allows you to repair all non-security zone GDFS related problems.

GDFS contains much more information, there are a lot of data which are phone specific and cannot be rebuilt 100% correctly (for example Calibration data)

Rebuilding of security zone helps if:

  • the phone is able to power on but has all locks locked
  • in the cases, when the security zone is damaged, and phone is unable to power on due to this

Symptoms and Solutions

If one of the following symptom appear, try the advised solution.

Symptom: Phone red-blinks when powered on
Reason: Damaged security zone
Solution: Rebuild security zone (see Goals below)

Symptom: Phone works, but all 5 locks closed
Reason: Damaged security zone
Solution: Rebuild security zone (see Goals below)

Goals and Procedures

Goal: Security zone rebuild
Procedure: Use TP Full Unlocker, do not select any GDFS backup file

Goal: Creating phone full GDFS backup
Procedure: Use GDFS Backuper & Restorer, do not select any GDFS backup file

Goal: Restoring GDFS in a phone (a GDFS backup from the phone is available)
Procedure: Use GDFS Backuper & Restorer, select the GDFS backup file

Goal: Reconstructing GDFS in a phone, except security zone (GDFS system is able to start; no GDFS backup available)
1. Take another working phone, use GDFS Backuper & Restorer (without selecting a file) to create a backup
2. Use GDFS Backuper & Restorer, select the GDFS backup file, proceed a restore

Goal: Reconstructing GDFS in a phone + rebuid of the security zone
1. Take another working phone, use GDFS Backuper & Restorer (without selecting a file) and create a backup
2. Use TP Full Unlocker, select the GDFS backup file, proceed an unlock


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